Monthly Archives: August 2018

On the prevalence of cybercrime across Europe


Nowadays, most people are online. However, being an active user of the internet has its dangers, and as opposed to offline crime, cybercrime is on the rise. Yet how prevalent is cybercrime across Europe, and are there any noticeable differences between the main types of cybercrime? A study published in Crime Science looks at victim surveys in order to answer these questions.


Think bigger: it’s not just what you eat


Senior Journal Development Editor, Bex Chang, recently attended Nutrition 2018, a conference where researchers, practitioners, health professionals, and policy makers gather to advance nutrition science and its practical application. In this blog Bex shares some of her highlights from the speakers at the event and the research on show.


The long and winding road towards an EU health information system


In this guest blog, Dr. Nicole Rosenkötter tells us about Health information in Europe, the latest article collection in Archives of Public Health. The collection  features research within the framework of the BRIDGE Health project, exploring the possibilities of creating an organisational entity that could undertake the tasks associated with the development of an EU Health Information System.


Impacts of concurrent marijuana and alcohol use on driving safety – Winner of the Jess Kraus Award

Car Crash with police

The Jess Kraus Award is given each year to the authors of the best paper published in Injury Epidemiology. This year’s winner- Interaction of marijuana and alcohol on fatal motor vehicle crash risk: a case–control study– was selected as it demonstrates novelty, simplicity, and clarity while also having the potential to impact population health. In this guest blog, Managing Editor Barbara Lang, chats with the lead author of the study, Mr. Stanford Chihuri on the importance of the paper.
