Nominations open for the BioMed Central Research Awards 2007

We are pleased to announce the launch of the BioMed Central Research Awards for 2007. These awards recognise excellence in research that has
been made universally accessible by open access publication in one of BioMed
Central’s journals.
Two awards of $5000 (US) will be
made — one for biology research, and one for medical research.

Anyone who
publishes original research of major significance in one of BioMed
Central’s journals during 2007 is eligible for nomination. The sooner you submit yo
ur best research article to one of BioMed Central’s 170+ journals, the more chance you have of being published in time to qualify for the award. You cannot nominate your own research, but a colleague (excluding co-authors) can by completing the nomination form provided.

Nominations are now being accepted and will close 21st December 2007. The winning articles will be selected by a panel of BioMed Central’s editorial team members and external experts in biology and medicine. The winners will be announced at
the BioMed Central Research Awards dinner in early March 2008. 

The BioMed
Central Research Awards began last year and were a great success.
winners were announced at the BioMed Central Open
Access Colloquium
in February 2007, at the Royal College
of Physicians, London. Read about last year’s winners.

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